Wednesday, October 2, 2024

    Russia cut off electricity supplies to Finland early Saturday

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    GNB Desk
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    Russian state firm RAO Nordic cut off all exports of electricity to Finland early Saturday, May 14 at one o’clock.

    According to Fingrid, the Finnish transmission system operator, the adequacy of electricity in Finland is not under threat. In recent times, imported electricity from Russia has covered approximately ten percent of Finland’s total consumption.

    “The missing imports in the electricity market can be replaced by importing more electricity from Sweden and partly also by domestic production,” says Reima Päivinen, Vice President of Fingrid.

    According to Rao Nordic, the reason for the suspension is the difficulties in receiving payments for electricity sold on the market.

    “Unfortunately, in the current situation of lack of cash income, RAO Nordic is not able to make payments for the imported electricity from Russia. Therefore we are forced to suspend the electricity import starting from 14th of May,” Rao Nordic said in a statement.

    “We hope that the situation will get improved soon and the electricity trade with Russia could resume,” it added.

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