Saturday, September 28, 2024

    Biden praises Team USA “You made me so damn proud”- invites Olympians at the White House this fall

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    President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden on Saturday had a virtual zoom meeting with the Team USA who represented the Team USA in Tokyo Olympic. “You made me so damn proud,” President Biden praised the players over Zoom.

    President Biden Lauded telling them “You handled yourself with such grace and such decency and just — you made me so damn proud.”

    “These are the things that people look at around the world, more than anything that I do as your president, or other people do in public life. They get the impression of who we are as Americans,” Biden said.

    “I need a promise from all of you — you’ll all come to see us in the White House in the fall,” Biden said. “We’ll set a date, and I’d love to have you all come to the White House if you’re willing to do that, so the nation can see, and I can brag more on you.”

    The President praised the athletes’ performance abroad, telling those conferencing in, “I just can’t tell you how, you know, you remind us of what an amazing country we are, and you make us look so good as a country.”

    “These are the things that people look at around the world, more than anything that I do as your president, or other people do in public life. They get the impression of who we are as Americans,” Biden said.

    The virtual meeting was organized ahead of the Olympics’ closing ceremony to congratulate the team USA who represented the United States of America in the Tokyo Olympics.

    First lady Jill Biden, who attended the opening ceremony and several games in Tokyo Olympic also congratulated the Olympians.

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