Friday, September 27, 2024

    EU privacy watchdog fines Amazon 746 million Euro over data protection law

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    GNB Desk
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    Luxembourg’s National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD) has fined retailer giant Amazon with a record-breaking Euro 746 million that converts to about $887 million USD, which would be the largest fine ever under Europe’s data protection law over alleged violations of European data privacy regulations.

    The penalty was imposed a couple of weeks ago, but Amazon disclosed the July 16 decision by the Luxembourg National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD) in an SEC filing (10Q) with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday morning.

    The decision has not been made public, but according to Amazon’s filing, the CNPD found that the company’s “processing of personal data did not comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation.”

    “We believe the CNPD’s decision to be without merit and intend to defend ourselves vigorously in this matter,” Amazon says in the filing.

    The exact nature of the complaint against the company has not yet been revealed, but Amazon itself has issued a statement denying the charges. The declaration was made in accordance with SEC rules in the US.

    “Maintaining the security of our customers’ information and their trust are top priorities. There has been no data breach, and no customer data has been exposed to any third party. These facts are undisputed,” Amazon said according to CNBC reports.

    “We strongly disagree with the CNPD’s ruling, and we intend to appeal. The decision relating to how we show customers relevant advertising relies on subjective and untested interpretations of European privacy law, and the proposed fine is entirely out of proportion with even that interpretation,” the company added.

    The commission’s investigation started with a 2018 complaint from French privacy rights group La Quadrature du Net.

    La Quadrature du Net welcomed the fine issued by the CNPD, which “comes after three years of silence that made us fear the worst.”

    “The model of economic domination based on the exploitation of our privacy and free will is profoundly illegitimate and contrary to all the values that our democratic societies claim to defend,” the group said in a blog post published on Friday..

    The last major fine imposed under GDPR was a €50 million fine on Goggle in 2019.

    (With inputs from agencies)

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