Sunday, September 22, 2024

    Azerbaijan: Nagorno-Karabakh Fuel Depot Explosion Death Toll Rises to 170

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    The death toll from the devastating fuel depot explosion that occurred on Monday in the Nagorno-Karabakh region has tragically risen to 170, according to a report by RIA Novosti news agency. The report cites local emergency services as the source of this grim update.

    The Nagorno-Karabakh fuel depot explosion was a tragic event that occurred on September 25, 2023, near the city of Stepanakert in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. According to various sources, the explosion killed at least 170 people and injured 300 more, many of them in critical condition.

    The report states that these remains will be transported to Armenia for DNA identification, in an effort to provide closure for the families of the victims.

    The explosion happened during a mass exodus of ethnic Armenians from the region, following a week-long military offensive by Azerbaijan that reclaimed full control of the territory after three decades of separatist rule. The region had been under a blockade by Azerbaijan for months, causing shortages of essential supplies, including fuel. 2 As a result, hundreds of people were queuing at the gas station where the blast occurred, hoping to get petrol for their cars to flee to Armenia. 

    The cause of the explosion is still unclear, but some reports suggest that it may have been triggered by a landmine or a rocket. The blast created a huge fireball that could be seen from miles away. The victims were rushed to local hospitals, which were overwhelmed by the influx of patients. Local authorities requested urgent medical aid from Armenia, which sent helicopters to evacuate the injured and bring doctors to the region. Azerbaijan also offered medical supplies and assistance, but it was reportedly declined by the Armenian representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh. 

    The international community expressed condolences for the victims and urged for humanitarian access to the region. The explosion added to the already dire situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, where thousands of people have been displaced and traumatized by the recent conflict.

    According to a report by the news agency Reuters, by Friday morning, more than 84,700 individuals, out of the 120,000 ethnic Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh, had already moved to Armenia.

    The peace talks between Azerbaijan and the separatist authorities are still ongoing, with the aim of resolving the long-standing dispute over the status of the region. 

    The rescue operation is still ongoing, with emergency services working tirelessly to find any potential survivors and recover more bodies.

    The cause of the explosion is still under investigation. 

    (With innputs from news agencies)

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