Friday, September 20, 2024

    Saudi Arabia welcomes US release of classified documents related to 9/11 attacks

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    Saudi Arabia welcomed the release of classified documents relating to the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the U.S. said in a press statement released on Wednesday.

    But the Embassy rejected any allegation that Saudi Arabia is complicit in the September 11 attacks, according to a statement.

    “Any allegation that Saudi Arabia is complicit in the September 11 attacks is categorically false,” the statement read.

    “As the administrations of the past four US presidents have attested, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has unwaveringly condemned and denounced the deplorable crimes that took place against the United States, its close ally and partner.”

    Last week, US President Joe Biden ordered the Justice Department to review documents from the FBI’s investigation into the attacks to be declassified and released to the public.

    In Wednesday’s statement, the Saudi Embassy said Riyadh had “consistently” called for releasing all materials related to the US investigation.

    As the administrations of the past four U.S. presidents have attested, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has unwaveringly condemned and denounced the deplorable crimes that took place against the United States, its close ally and partner, said in the statement.

    Saudi Arabia knows all too well the evil that al-Qaeda through its ideology and actions represents. Alongside the U.S., we have been Al Qaeda’s top target, even before the September 11 attacks. And alongside the U.S., the Kingdom has spared no effort in tackling the men, money, and mindset of terrorism and extremism in all its forms, the statement read.

    “Saudi Arabia is very proud of its anti-terrorism record, including its efforts to thwart terrorist financing, its comprehensive strategies to counter extremist ideology in both the public domain and online, and the degradation and defeat of terrorist organizations throughout our region, “ it continued.

    “The Kingdom is an essential counterterrorism partner to the United States. Together, our two countries have countered ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and delivered severe setbacks to Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and ISIS in Yemen, among other successes. The coordinated work of Saudi Arabia and the United States to disrupt and intercept terrorist plots over the last 20 years undoubtedly has saved the lives of thousands of Saudis and Americans, and made the world a safer place”.

    “As a victim of terrorism and a firsthand witness to the horror and lasting impact it has on innocent men, women and children, Saudi Arabia understands the indescribable pain and hardship of the families who lost loved ones on that unforgettable day. They remain in our thoughts and prayers.”

    “Previous declassification of materials relating to the September 11 attacks, such as the “28 Pages,” only have confirmed the 9/11 Commission’s finding that Saudi Arabia had nothing to do with this terrible crime. It is lamentable that such false and malicious claims persist.”

    In response, Saudi Arabia can only reiterate its longstanding support for the full declassification of any documents and materials relating to the United States’ investigation of the terrorist attacks, with the hope that a full release of these documents will end the baseless allegations against the Kingdom once and for all, said the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia o the United States.

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